
That time of year, again

The big once a year Face and Body Trade Show was in town (San Jose) this weekend. It’s a weekend filled with enough education to put anyone in over-load mode and the exhibit hall is a candy store for any spa product junkie! We bought a few new items that we will be trying out to see if the results are up to our standards to pass on to you. Stay tuned for more information.

We attended class after class with pages and pages of notes on valuable information that we will be sharing with you in the future weeks to come.

The “new” buzz words, all over the show were Hyaluronic Acid and Peptides, two very important ingrediences for anti-aging skin treatments. When these ingrediences are mixed with the proper skin care products in active amounts, you can have outstanding results in younger looking skin. They deliver results because Hyaluronic Acid and Peptides are naturally found in the body so they work together at strengthen what you already have naturally.

We are proud to say that we have a great Peptide Line Smoothing Serum with Hyaluronic Acid in it that clients are raving about. More on that next week with a special you won’t want to miss…

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